Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kimon Journal 5: Mission accomplish?

With the same tactics, I breath my dragon blast on them killing 3 of them. They rush forward to engage me,their strength were nothing to me as i pare with them. Suddenly Mirari appeared as he materialized himself behind me telling us to follow the play with him. What? Play? Kord, please give me strength to handle this mind stress. here I'm battling and you ask me to play? Soon i see 6 more goblin followed behind Mirari and I at a second tot we out number which soon I heard a war cry from some sort of big creature. From the edge of my eye, i saw a big sized Goblin approach us.
We are pin down from 3 sides? what can I do? Anima was bloodied and Mirari flee behind the Goblin saying kill the traitors> Who? Me? From the end of the room, Chloe came out with her Guardian. Inpiring Anima with my words and we charged forward toward Chloe as the enemy here is much  lesser and thinkign we can choke the Goblin here.
Is weird that the goblin did not follow us but we kept targeting at the bigger Goblin when Anima and Vehl shoot their best weapon at him. Burning him and injuring him. The Bigger goblin seems killing the smaller one by one instead of engaging us. Why? Without ant explanation we killed the Bigger one. Chloe and Vehl briefed us that there are tiefling prisoners behind and I and Vehl rushed ahead to catch the Goblins that is fleeing away. Chloe tried to calm them but we failed.  Seeing Anima did not catch up , must be her failed to ask the tiefling to come out. Hence i ask Mirari to go down and convince them out. But he ignored me as if he wanted to kill the goblin. What is wrong with him? where is his Honour? hunting down weaken prey but flee from battle?
Again vehl scourged the goblin to dust before we could reach them to see if they can lead us to other prisoners. We went back down to search the rooms for item and convince prisoners to come out with us. Knowing I could not do anything, i went out to the entrance of the cave to guard there. Chloe followed me behind.
As I see the tiefling were following behind Mirari, we head back to finish our mission. once we reach the temple of Pelor, we were brought by Fruhorn to meet The Person. We were brought into a room and Fruhorn trigger the secret mechanism to open a door that a old tiefling sitting in it. We were told to seat down andhe tell us what he foresee. Telling us if we dont take action, death await. Sound like an interesting task, to regain a name a honour for my ancestor. We were giving necklace and mind to be chicken bone? what?! Anima told me that this was bone of a champion chicken fighters. It doesnt seem like any enhancement to me. To respect him,  shall just wear it. And  the Prophet move out from the room.

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